LB Southwark Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Representations
Development consultancy
AZ Urban Studio prepared and made representations at the Examination in Public (EiP) of the London Borough of Southwarks’ Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule.
We successfully argued that the boundary between two charging zones was incorrectly positioned and did not represent property market conditions or national guidance. AZ Urban Studio prepared written evidence including; a policy review and financial viability evidence, in addition, we gave evidence at the EiP to justify our argument and refute the council’s comments.
The inspector agreed with our argument, and the boundary was subsequently amended within the adopted charging schedule, to reflect our recommendation. This small change saved our client a potential £400k. But as importantly meant that the introduction of CIL didn’t unduly impact on the viability of projects within this area of Southwark.
Our development consultancy service works seamlessly with our planning policy work. This piece of work builds on our extensive experience of sites in edge conditions and areas undergoing change.
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